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SWTOR Beta Game Testing Weekends FAQ via Stephen Reid

Published by under Beta,beta testing on Sep. 08. 2011.

Do you, like me, have questions surrounding the “weekend beta testing” or just “testing” in general?  Well you are in luck today folks because hot off the transmitter waves  we got this information from Stephen Reid;

Plus we now have an additional update from @Rockjaw on this info as well!

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Update on the EU beta invite status

Published by under Beta on Sep. 06. 2011.

Today on the official forums we got this update from Chris Collins,

As promised, we have an update on the batch of Game Testing invites being sent to players in the EU.

After a lengthy discussion here at the BioWare offices, the decision has been made to postpone the proposed Game Testing invites for EU players for a number of reasons.

Firstly, there’s a new build of the game on the horizon. This is a major build, meaning there will be character wipes and a new client to download. As you may be aware, the current client download is around 27GB in size. If we were to invite players en masse today, those players would have to download the entirety of the client to access the game. There’s every chance that later this week, the service will go offline and this new version will be rolled out, meaning everyone currently in Testing will have to not only download the entire client again (another 27GB download), but will also have their characters erased and have to start afresh. This is a relatively large amount to download in such a short space of time and not an experience we want new testers to be exposed to.

Secondly, this new build will bring about the first localised versions of Star Wars: The Old Republic, which means those of you that speak French and German will have the chance to play the game in those languages, for the first time ever. We’re extremely excited to be able to offer this to our players and as such, we’re keen to get a lot of feedback from European testers in particular.

For those of you that may have missed the messages we put out on the subject already, last week saw a number of issues arise with key systems that prevented us from sending out invites to EU players. Had everything gone to plan, we would have been able to offer two weeks of testing time to new users. However, given the issues that arose, this was physically not possible.

So while we understand that this news may not be what a lot of you wanted to hear today, we hope that you’ll understand our position. Given the news of this new build, it’s now more important than ever that we invite European players into the Game Testing environments, so you have my word that this batch of invites will happen, it may just mean you just have to wait a little longer.

It’s also important to remember this is just the beginning. In the future, we’ll be inviting more and more testers to the EU Game Testing environments as well as future Game Testing weekends. So even if you’re not invited to this next round of testing, there will still be plenty of chances to get involved.

As ever, as soon as I get any firm news around the matter, I’ll make sure to update everyone.

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“You have taken your first step into a larger world.” – Obi-Wan Kenobi, A New Hope

Published by under Role Play on Sep. 05. 2011.

((The RP XP with MJ))

First, a quick thank you to everyone who responded to my first article, “A Jedi Walks Into a Bar….” It’s great to see so much response to my intro and the subject of RP. In fact, I was so moved by the awesome questions and comments, I decided to jump the gun on Friday’s article and give you something else to chew over until then. If you’re new to RP, this is for you.

Four Imperial soldiers stood in formation on the action deck of the destroyer Shroud. Only one of them would be chosen for promotion and a field assignment that would grant limitless power through complete autonomy. Only one would be given the position of Imperial Agent.

As the colonel approached to inspect the four officers, each one stiffened even more than they already were.

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Hot Off The Presses! The Latest Feature on Swtor-Life, “The RP XP” written by “MJ”

Published by under Site news on Sep. 02. 2011.


All fun aside and in all seriousness, today I have the pleasure of Introducing our latest featured writer to the site and the launch of our newest weekly column, “The RP XP” written by our newest staff member “MJ”.

Here at the offices of Swtor-Life we have been trying to decide which area of game play and related topics would be best for us to branch out into for you the community.  You are the heart and soul of why we do this.

We have the normal news style posts about SWTOR like most fan sites do, rehashed from fan site to fan site but, it is still necessary to get that out there to you. We have some funny and witty articles, we have some specialized content focusing on specific areas of game play like crew skills and in game economics to class focused content.

We are pretty well rounded as is but we wanted to add more. We want to add something else that’s specialized in nature, but of a different direction than we have taken you in the past. We want to chart unexplored space here at Swtor-Life while we ride the train leading up to launch and beyond.

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Open World PVP on Planet Ilum in SWTOR!

Published by under Breaking News,PAX Prime,PvP on Aug. 29. 2011.

One of my absolute favorite reveals of Pax Prime came from the Sunday presentation in the main theater. Of course Darth Hater was there and they did a outstanding job of covering it for us that could not attend, they brought us the scoop on what the Developers are referring to as open world pvp. It looks fun, it looks exciting for sure!


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Gambling in SWTOR? You Decide.

Published by under PAX Prime on Aug. 29. 2011.

One of the nice little tidbits that I just found that came out of PaxPrime this weekend thanks to Kristen Archer of was this tasty little morsel about the possibility for gambling in Star Wars The Old Republic MMO.  Courtesy of an interview that Video Nvidia did with Cory Butler.  At about 3 minutes in we get this question and very interesting answer from Cory,

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Give Us The Wall Of Crazy

Published by under beta testing,Blog on Aug. 29. 2011.

We have have very little in the way of new info when it comes to TOR of late. Huttball is the only thing since the map update, which in itself was not well received by the TOR faithful.



Get a brief glimpse at just a few of the many features in STAR WARS: The Old Republic.



Before that you would have to cast your mind back to the 10th of June when we got the  Game play Features news article. This is the last new info we had.

Though we can not forget the sneaky update on the crew skills that almost went unnoticed.


GamesCom did bring Huttball and for me one of the better features that TOR has to date, this was followed by a lack-luster PAX where we just had info that some may find new but these things have been said before.

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SWTOR Friday Update Eternity Vault Developer Walkthrough Video

Published by under PAX Prime on Aug. 26. 2011.

For this Friday’s update we were treated to a video from GamesCom of the play through of the Eternity Vault, operations raid, narrated by Dallas Dickenson. This raid or as Bioware likes to call them “Operation” looks like a blast. Groups of 8 or 16 players Republic and Empire alike will discover this mysterious location on the planet Belsavis and attempt to confront ancient force-wielders and other serious contained prisoners that who’s release could threaten the entire galaxy.

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Bioware Brings SWTOR to PaxPrime 2011!

Published by under Breaking News,PAX Prime on Aug. 25. 2011.


photo of SWTOR booth 914 at PaxPrime 2011 courtesy of @rockjaw

If you are a current follower of the game Star Wars The Old Republic MMO currently in development by Bioware, then you already know about them bringing the SWTOR love to PaxPrime 2011 in Seattle Washington, August 26th through the 28th.  If not then read on because you need to know this info!

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Has Bioware’s Story Driven Design Caused You To Change What Sex Toon You Will Have In SWTOR?

Published by under gameplay on Aug. 23. 2011.

I had what I thought was an interesting thought the other day. I had a topic cross my mind and thought it would make an interesting discussion topic.

What sex characters do you normally play in your MMO’s, male or female?

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