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Jawa Jamming

Published by under news on Jun. 22. 2011.

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Wednesday has two things in store, official screenshot released on Facebook and some community news by yours truly. The facebook screenshot is rather cool, because it has Jawas in it and everything with Jawas in it is cool in my book. These kinds of screenshots are what excites me so about this game. A possibility to have my character move among those Jawas and in that market.
Cantina Cast, SWTOR dedicated podcast, has made its dreams come true by upgrading their website with new looks. It is much better than the previous one and I really like their logo, but it could still use some web design work. However, I believe that everyone that invests their time in creating something for the community needs to be commended for what they are doing. It is, after all, more than what 99% fans are willing to do.
There is investing time in creating something for the SWTOR community and than there is Ask a Jedi. They have a new daily column on their site called “Blue Milk & Cereal“. The column discusses interesting questions and asks the community to participate through voting in a poll and leaving comments on the daily subject. So far they haven’t had a single poll I didn’t want to participate in and I left quite a few comments and thoughts as well. That is how engaging this new column is. Have I said that they post a new article every day! Let me tell you, that takes some time and dedication.

If you still need something to read, what better way to lighten up your day than read some SWTOR comics. Tor Wars has started publishing their webcomic called Fail Hunter and let me tell you, it’s a winner. They are up to page 6, but you can find all of them at this here link.

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