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“Mass Effect made us do it” says SWTOR developer

Published by under news on Jun. 28. 2010.

In an interview with CVG, Bioware lead designer and story writer, Daniel Erickson has said that the well publicized, fully voiced, conversation system in The Old Republic is “totally inked from Mass Effect”.

I must say that I enjoyed Mass Effect back in the day and I am really curious to see how it all works out in the MMO type game. I’ll also be revisiting Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age to try and figure what we can expect in SWTOR, but more about that later.

The interview was conducted during this year’s E3 (the ultimate source of news for all swtor sites for months to come!) and you can read some excerpts in the CVG article. Here’s the most interesting bit for me:

Mass Effect changed the world because you became the hero. You actually became the most interesting thing on screen -you got all the best lines, and to be super cool. We had to go back and rewrite everything. The story telling system is totally inked from Mass Effect.

News spotted @ Massively.

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