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Tag Archive 'guardian'

Jedi Knight Guardian and Sentinel

Published by under Jedi Knight,video on Aug. 13. 2010.

This Friday’s update has provided us with details on the advanced class choice you can make as a Jedi Knight. As seen in the scanned PC Gamer footage the advanced specializations are the Sentinel (dual lightsaber wielding damage dealer) and the Guardian (tank and buffer). Official’s site Holonet Jedi Knight page has been update with the new information. It has also been revealed that the associate for Jedi Knights will be the Astromech T7-01 droid. He got his own Holonet page as well in the biographies section.

The awesome trailer of the Jedi Knight class, that has been released alongside this update, shows that Jedi Knights will start on Tython. They will have some sort of force jump ability to get them up close and personal with their enemies (sort of like a warrior charge in WoW). There seems to be some sort of a buff ability for troops around the Knight (in that trooper scene). Saber deflection of laser fire is probably higher if you are a Guardian. Saber throw is another skill seen in the video as well as some sort of Chuck Norris high kick! I also must note that the graphics are looking mighty sweet and things look a lot more polished. From the look of things this is the class I personally will be going for.


Jedi Knight 1 Jedi Knight 2 Jedi Knight 1 (Guardian) Jedi Knight 2 (Guardian) Jedi Knight 1 (Sentinel)
Jedi Knight 2 (Sentinel)

Concept art

Jedi Knight concept art 1 Jedi Knight concept art 2 Jedi Knight concept art 3 Jedi Knight concept art 4

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