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Tag Archive 'e3 2010'

Game Critics award SWTOR best RPG of E3 2010

Published by under news on Jul. 06. 2010.

Sean Dahlberg just reported that Star Wars: The Old Republic was voted the best Role Playing Game of this year’s E3 show. It is an award given by 31 voting publications. Sean had this to say:

This is definitely an honor and a privilege for us to be on the list and to win the award for Best Role Playing Game is amazing!

You can view the full list of winners at:

It is interesting that “Rage”, game from id Software (makers of Doom series), won the most awards, three. The concept should be similar to Borderlands with id Software amazing graphics. Looking forward to this one.

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Published by under video on Jun. 14. 2010.

Prior to this year’s E3 a new SW:TOR cinematic trailer called “Hope” got leaked to the internetz. Let me tell you, it makes fanboys and fangirlshave to change their undies. In my personal opinion it is not as epic as the “Deceived” trailer, but it is very epic in its own right. Enjoy it in its full HD greatness below and we’ll go into detail in the days to come.

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