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The Next Two Weeks

Published by under Events,GamesCom,PAX Prime on Aug. 12. 2011.

Star Wars is in your town, invading your cons


Gamescom and PAX Prime. Two of the biggest gaming conventions in the world that happen back to back and mark “the end” of big convention season. Two locations where Bioware traditionally releases the biggest announcements, or at least the most footage and information. It is also two weeks (and some change) before September when the Pre-Order Beta Testing should start as well. Could this be the greatest two weeks for all us dedicated SWTOR Fans? It sure looks promising.
In today’s Friday update we found out that at GamesCom we’ll see small presentations of Eternity Vault, the only raid in SWTOR at launch (as far as we know for now). There will be hands-on stations of origin worlds, similar to the ones setup last year (this was done for the first time at Cologne last year). There will also be an invitation only Alderaan PvP experience like the one we’ve seen at ComicCon. It also seems that BiowareTV will be live streaming from the show extensively, so even us not being there will be able to get a glimpse of the happenings. This will surely not be the only news from the show floor, but we’ll have to wait and see.
Pax Prime will be happening only a few days later on Aug 26th-28th. TTo be honest I have no idea what to expect from Bioware at this show. There will surely be hands on stations and all that jazz. The question remaining is what other big news are left to be told? We now know that Release date will not be talked about until 4-6 weeks prior to release itself (which is scheduled for Holiday 2011) so I doubt that is what we’ll hear about at PAX Prime. Perhaps the Legacy system will have its details revealed or the Crafting system will be talked about in its entirety or some other unrevealed system will be on the table. All we know is that this is the devs’ favorite convention and I beleive we’ll here something exciting.
This makes the next two weeks something I am eagerly waiting for. Unfortunately, SWTOR Life will not have any on site reporters from these events (unlike last year). We broke the bank with our E3 attendance :). We will be following the happenings closely and you can expect all the news in one place as always. If you are going to one of the shows and would like to have an article about your experience published, feel free to contact us.

One response so far

One Response to “The Next Two Weeks”

  1. swtorcrafteron 12 Aug 2011 at 8:15 pm

    aye, this could be a great chance for someone out in the community that would like to have their thoughts published on a highly visited SWTOR focused website indeed. If your going to one of these events and you would like to be internet famous geek style, give us a holler 🙂