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Gabe Amatangelo Talks PvP in 1.2

Published by under community news,PvP on Mar. 31. 2012.


PvP is going to be changing in 1.2. Now this is no surprise for most players, BioWare has be very vocal about their desire to improve on PvP with the launch of their newest game update. But some players (myself included) may be wondering exactly what that means. Sure, some info has been made public through various sources, but there has not been a nice long post from a developer talking about all the changes we can expect to see.


Gabe Amatangelo made it his mission to change that.


Gabe went the distance and made a huge blog post about what players can expect to see on the PvP horizon. While he does emphasize that when the new update launches the ranked PvP will be considered in “Pre-Session”, with more improvements coming the the future,  he still does a fantastic job on outlining what we all can expect to see in our PvP future. Gabe talkes about Ranked Warzones, the new rewards system, the AFK Vote Kick option, and some new ststs players can expect to see at the end of the match. Even if you just dable in PvP now and again it is well worth a read, and guilds who plan on grouping up for some Ranked Warzone madness need to head over and give it a read asap!


You can find the full post over on the SWTOR site, and we welcome your thoughts on the issue in our comments section below!

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