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Tag Archive 'gc2011'

GamesCom Press Day News

Published by under Events,GamesCom on Aug. 18. 2011.

There is a special day dedicated to press members only and this is one of the best things I remember about GamesCom. The crowds are much more manageable and if you scheduled ahead you can get most of your work done that first day; fill in the gaps during the other days. This day also is filled with new information and this year is no different.
First we have the video of the presentation held yesterday during the EA Press Conference reorded and posted on youtube by Grman SWTOR fansite:

Next is video of SWTOR booth brought to you by SWTOR EU fansite:

The juiciest piece that came out of GamesCom so far is this video by Darth Hater crew showing The Pit. It is a PvP arena with Capture the Flag rules, only you control a ball and not a flag and you can pass it around. It is a kind of deadly football with lightsabers and blasters and in game it is called Huttball.

We would also like to congratulate Bioware for Winning the Best Online Game of the show at GamesCom this year. It is very well deserved.

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GamesCom EA Conference live blog

Published by under Events,GamesCom on Aug. 16. 2011.

Electronic Arts Press Conference, that is traditionally held a day prior to GamesCom’s start, is one of those huge media events that always brings fresh news. There is a live stream available of this event, but as with all the other events so far we will be covering the happening live here on SWTOR Life. We will be updating this post with news as they become available so stay tuned and refresh those browsers. There will be other EA games showcased at the event but SWTOR will have a prominent spot. The conference is only 20 minutes away so stay tuned.

  • Dr. Ray Muzyka will be holding a live presentation of SWTOR during the EA press conference
  • image of rehersal

  • The conference is about to begin
  • We will see 10 games that we will play this year *wink wink – nudge nudge*
  • We are seeing Fifa Street and Need For Speed titles and their presentations
  • Dr. Ray is here talking about Dragon Age: Legends and Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes, a new PvP Play4Free game for the PC.
  • gearing up for smooth launch. Record breaking pre-orders of SWTOR. Quest sequence in German being shown now.
  • Open testing beta weekends upcoming

  • Talking about end-game Operations (raids) – showing live demo of Eternity Vault
  • 8-16 players in raids
  • Eternity vault is an ancient prison and we are seeing turrets attacking the team and Agent healing the Juggernaut tank
  • I am seeing Rockjaw among the people playing the raid.
  • We are seeing a lot of AoE skills from different classes
  • Turrets are destroyed and after cutscene a huge annihilation droid boss lands and we are seeing a nice boss fight.
  • New Eternity Vault footage trailer being shown
  • That is it for SWTOR. Talking about MAss Effect 3 now. I ust say that footage looked good. The only real reveal is 8-16 people in raids. Whether this will be normal raid size is 8 and heroic raid version is 16 – remains to be seen

That is it for our live coverage of EA’s press conference. Stay tuned for more news from GamesCom as we cover all the incoming information.

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Bioware Meet and Greet for GamesCom 2011 Attendees

Published by under GamesCom on Aug. 14. 2011.

Lets Meet and Greet!

If you are lucky enough to be present in the area at GamesCom this year in Europe you will have the opportunity to meet the Bioware developers at a “meet and greet” that they will be putting on.

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