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Spock vs Daniel Erickson

Published by under humor on Mar. 14. 2011.

Thread on the official forums dedicated to Daniel Erickson MeMe we started a while back has had some new hilarious entries and I just wanted to show them to our visitors as well. In honoring this epic thread I also wanted to make another contribution and also add to the forever growing debate of Star Trek vs Star Wars. I bring you an animated gif: Mr. Spock vs Mr. Erickson. It is rather big, but I think it is worth waiting for it to load.


Star Trek vs Star Wars


Here’s a couple of user created MeMes:

Daniel Erickson what can you say

posted by notinvited

William Wallace approves

posteb by EtharionTurambar

spring 2011 rofl

posted by Droolmouth

One response so far

One Response to “Spock vs Daniel Erickson”

  1. Kratoon 15 Mar 2011 at 8:10 am

    hahaha. Good article!

    Very funny.